Chitchat and the occasional in-depth analysis about fiber, knitting, spinning, crochet, cooking, feminism, self-image, and a modicum of personal blathering.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Feature

Drive by post, just to mention that I've added a new feature over on the sidebar. I've been trying to get back into reading, so I'm listing my current reads there, partially as a poke to myself to finish the damn things already, and partially as a way to share, because I always like to know what others are reading as well.

I used to be a lot more voracious. I read on average three books a week. Since I stopped smoking (only 8 days until the 3 year anniversary!) I find reading more difficult to do and mostly only do it before bed and at odd times when I can't knit. The feeling of wanting to smoke while I read is gradually passing, thank goodness. I've missed it a lot.

Anyway, there it is.

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