Materials Needed:
US size 1 needle. Pattern may be worked with DPNs, magic loop, or two circs. Just keep multiples of six on your needles and you'll be fine. Socks can likewise be made smaller or larger by adding or subtracting multiples of six, or by using larger or smaller needles. The pair in the picture were made on size 2 needles, because I have large feet.
100G sock yarn, works best in variegated/handdyed colorway
Tapestry Needle for weaving in ends
Gauge-9 stitches per inch in stockinette. (7 if you're doing these on size 2)
Cast on 60
K1TBL, P1 around. (raised ribbing) Continue for an inch or two.
Begin pattern
Rows 1&2
K4, P2, repeat
Rows 3&4
K3, P3, repeat
Rows 5&6
K2, P4, repeat
Rows 7&8
K1, *P4, K2*, end w/K1
Rows 9&10
K1, *P3, K3*, end w/K2
Rows 11 & 12
K1, *P2, K4*, end w/K3.
Repeat until sock leg is 7-8 inches long or as long as desired.
Work heel.
Heel row one-knit 30. Turn work.
Heel row two-slip one, purl one, repeat to end.
Repeat these 2 rows 15 times more, or until heel flap is desired size.
Turn Heel
Row 1-Sl1, p17, p2tog, p1. Turn work.
Row 2-Sl1, k6, ssk, k1. Turn work.
Continue in this way until all heel stitches have been worked.
Pick up and knit 15 stitches along side of heel flap.
Knit across in Alaria pattern as set.
Pick up and knit 15 stitches.
Knit one row around. (When you reach the instep stitches, you will continue in pattern)
Knit one, SSK, knit to 3 stitches remaining before instep, K2TOG, K1.
Continue rows one and two, decreasing every other row and working pattern on instep, until you are down to 30 stitches on the foot. Continue in pattern until foot is two inches less than desired length.
Decrease Round: K1, ssk, k to 3 stitches remaining on needle, K2tog, K. Repeat for foot stitches.
K 1 round.
Repeat these 2 rounds until 8 stitches remain on instep needle, 16 stitches altogether. Graft toe. Weave in all ends. Block if desired. Cast on the other sock right away!

The textured nature of this sock makes it ideal for handspun, variegated, color-on-color, or handpainted yarns.
Alaria is a variety of kelp that grows profusely around the world. The kelp forests are a vital part of the environment, helping clean the oceans, feed fish and people, and sequester carbon dioxide.
Very cool -- thanks so much for posting the pattern!!
You're most welcome Dave!
I knitted your pattern years ago when it was first called Seaweed Socks. Somehow I had managed to not only knit the cuffs different lengths, I lost my printout of the pattern. I'm glad I find it again! Now I can fix them. ;-) It's a neat pattern & especially nice to have one that looks good with some variegated yarns! Thanks!!
Thanks for the beautiful pattern! I would love to cast these on tonight, but I have so many things I have to finish before xmas... :-( I think it will look great with my Noro silk sock yarn!
I found your blog through Ravelry (I'm a fellow RR member!) and I love it. You have a wonderful writing style that just makes everything interesting :-)
i just came across this pattern
and really like it but i have one small problem --- what does "K1TBL" mean??
Love these socks! Any recommendations for doing them toe up?
Your LYS are my LYS!
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