Chitchat and the occasional in-depth analysis about fiber, knitting, spinning, crochet, cooking, feminism, self-image, and a modicum of personal blathering.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome, 2007

I'm happy to see the backside of 2006.

It wasn't all bad. I learned to spin, and to knit. I quit smoking. I started blogging, and hope that this will spark me to more serious writing in time.

I've been sick, but many have been sicker. I'll get better. I'm going to try very hard to get better, in 2007.

Resolutions are not my cup of tea. I have a firm belief that making them is setting yourself up for failure. But I can continue to try to heal. I can try to grow as a person ,as an artist, and as a writer. I can be a good mother to my children as they reach adulthood. I can keep going to work and find ways to make it bearable until something better comes along, knowing all the while that something better probably isn't going to come along. I can continue to try to reduce my footprint, to recycle, to buy less, to clutter less, to keep a cleaner, more organized home. I can love my husband as much as he loves me. (that part is easy-peasy.)

Try is the operative word.

Tomorrow brings relatives over for the annual kraut and pork fest. I've got cooking to do and a cake to decorate. I have a present to wrap for my mother. I think it's bed-time.

Happy 2007, world.

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