He's so old that it doesn't annoy me, just makes me giggle. At his age, (18) he can sleep wherever he damn well pleases.
Oh my, did you notice the thinness of that single? My goodness me.

I may, just may be on my way to my very first true laceweight. Another reason I love copper moose fiber, because it is such a delight to spin. My biggest issue with spinning has been patience, I want a skein, and I want it now! I'm working on that. I keep reminding myself that I've been spinning less than six months.
Finished the last of my Flynx last night, too. It's a beauty.

Here's a detail.

There's about six hundred yards of this altogether, and I'm thinking the hobo cardigan from vogue knitting's fall issue for my mother out of it. Or for #2 daughter, since I can't really picture my mother in pink.
A detail on #1 daughter's sweater in the very early making. You can't see the wonderful KnitPicks Options circular needles that it's on, because I don't want to make anyone jealous.

That's about it for now. I must track down my bathing suit and spend a day in the company of my mother, watching her expose herself to UVB rays until her chance of dying from skin cancer is pretty much 90%.
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