Chitchat and the occasional in-depth analysis about fiber, knitting, spinning, crochet, cooking, feminism, self-image, and a modicum of personal blathering.

Friday, November 16, 2012

More than halfway!

More than halfway through the month and I've managed to post every day, so woo! It's more sticktuitiveness than I usually have.

I'm in my new lounging caftan with a pot of tea made and I'm ready to finish up a weaving project and possibly start another one. I have knitting to do and a shorter than usual weekend to do it in. I normally work mondays but since next week is a holiday week I have to work Monday. So I'm going to post some of my favorite recent links and be done with it for today!

First up is Lesley Kinzel's brilliant piece on growing up into a highly disordered relationship with food. So much of this could have been about my life.

...except without the jenny craig because that was more than I could afford. The emotions though.. identical.

I have always identified as a feminist and as I get older, I get more radical. This story outrages me on so many levels. This is what the "pro-life" crowd wants for America. We can't let them have it.

Another thing I am passionate about is fat acceptance and fat rights. As I recently read, I am fat, and I hold the radical position that I am allowed to exist. This tumblr is really good for those who don't realize how fully how difficult it is to live in a fat body.

Advanced Style is one of my favorite sites. These fabulous mature folks are styling for sure.

And finally, Anthroparodie has hilarious interpretations of the twee hipster overpriced crap that Anthropologie makes a zillion dollars on.

Everyone have a fantastic weekend!
Photo Nov 10, 4 35 46 PM
And keep an eye out for that fantastic imported hot and cold water.

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